In this episode, Tony and Betsy speak with Roger Beadle, CEO and co-founder of Limitless Technology, a customer experience business dedicated to changing the way you view the traditional customer service model. Roger explains the GigCX model and the benefits of this crowd-sourcing technology that will make any CEO rethink their existing customer service roadmap.
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About Roger Beadle
Roger Beadle is a UK-based entrepreneur and business leader who is reinventing how customer service is delivered via the gig economy.
After establishing several businesses in the contact centre industry, Roger co-founded Limitless with Megan Neale in 2016.
Limitless is a gig-economy platform that addresses some of the biggest challenges faced by the contact centre industry: low pay, high attrition and access to new talent.
The Transformation From Customer Service To GigCX With CEO Roger Beadle
The Future Of Human Work
We’re glad you’re here to join us.
Betsy, I am excited about sharing this interview with Roger Beadle. This guy is amazing. The company that he’s created with his partner, Megan, is phenomenal. A couple key things about why I’m excited about this interview is that we talk about things like the future of customer experience and not just the trends that you read about in the magazines and the newsletters out there. We’re going to get down to some deep understanding of where customer experience is headed and why. We’re also going to talk about the future of work. They’ve created a whole new category out there called GigCX. If you think about Uber or Airbnb and then you apply that model to the customer experience and customer service sector and if you don’t understand what I’m saying, read this episode because you’re going to love it. If you’re a CEO reading this, you’ve got to think about how this applies to your company in the future.
Speaking of CEOs, this is such an interesting case study on how CEOs should be thinking, particularly in light of this massive change in the world that we’ve all been going through. Roger and Megan have created this company and they named it Limitless because the potential is truly limitless for what they’re out to do. They built this on the premise that every individual has this limitless potential to succeed and deserves to be valued. They built their company based on their employees’ needs in a way that serves their customers.
They shaped this technology to build crowds of qualified experts who can answer questions on behalf of their customers. It’s an on-demand customer service platform, which I find to be fascinating. It comes from their history of running 2,000-plus seat call centers. They’re based in London, England, but they’re global. They have this big global perspective. Roger and Megan both have over a twenty-year history of success in this space and have taken all of their learnings into this new model. It’s going to be an amazing read for our CEO audience out there. With that, let’s get started. Let’s jump in. Welcome, Roger. We’re happy that you could join us. You have a beautiful sunrise background in San Francisco and you mentioned that’s where your heart is but tell us where you are.
How do you unlock the value of your platform by engaging people with expertise who already unlocked the value?CLICK TO TWEET
Where I am is just outside of London in a little village called Cobham, in a county called Surrey. I was about to look out of the window and I can report that the weather is as it is over the Bay Bridge here and it’s lovely and sunny.
Thank you for being here. Tony and I have been excited to have this conversation with you. Let’s dive right in. Your path is exciting and interesting with what you’re doing with Limitless Technology. Can you talk to us about how you found yourself in this place and the history of your industry and how it’s evolving and changing quickly? What are you and your cofounder, Megan, doing to address that evolution?
We’re in the customer service industry, the CX space if you like. Megan and I have worked in the industry for many years. We previously owned, built, and run outsource call center businesses. We have a lot of experience within that marketplace. Some of the challenges that the traditional contact center model faces have been at high levels of attrition but also low pay across the sector, many people on minimum wage, a living wage across the world as well.
We felt, as operational practitioners, when we were considering starting a new business back in 2016, having previously run contact centers for years for enterprise businesses in Europe, we were looking at where’s the future going in terms of the CX industry. Also, where is the future of work? How the two things needed to come together and running parallel. From the future of the industry, we could see the rise of digital channels, messaging, social and in particular, asynchronous messaging. We could also see the huge growth in the movement of the freelancer and the freelancing workforce. That inspired us for Limitless, which is the business that Megan and I cofounded back in 2016. Limitless is a crowdsourcing platform that enables enterprise businesses to effectively onboard expert product users and enables them to help and support other customers on-demand, pay them, and reward them for their time.
It’s an incredible model and creative. Tell us a little bit about why now, why this is important, what you did in terms of research to bring these two things together, the freelance model, the customer service model, your mental path toward developing what you’ve built so far.
Firstly, a lot of experience running contact centers, running enterprised call centers for clients. We had to think about, “Can we break down all of the elements of what we used to provide in an outsource call center and create what we call our smart crowd platform but within a crowdsourcing platform?” Effectively, could we Uberize the call center model? We had to think about the genesis of the idea. Are there people out there with the talent, knowledge, passion, and capability to provide great support to other people? It was a resounding yes to that question. Undoubtedly, there are lots of people that have the talent, skill, and knowledge. Now it’s not, “Will it work?” It’s, “How can you make it work?” It was our mindset, how do we make that work?
We looked at the gig working and freelancing model. We looked at the detail of how the Uber model was working but also not just the pros but also the cons of the model. Back in 2016, we studied in the UK there have been various lawsuits around the classification of workers, etc. What we did was we looked at that to make sure that we built our platform in a way that it wouldn’t contravene some of those court findings around that work status. I can cover those off at a later point if you’d like me to.
We also look at the security of data and how we would protect the customer data. We looked at how we could build an innovative quality management process. These are three of the big areas, making sure that the platform works as a true freelancing platform, studying that industry space, looking at data security. GDPR, which is a regulation in Europe, which is a high standard of data security, to ensuring that our platform was built in such a way where what we call Personal Identifiable Information known as PII is not shared with people that it cannot be shared with, potentially the experts on our platform in this scenario.
We also focused on quality. One of the areas that we were quite focused on was how we could create a scalable quality solution. We looked at the name Limitless. A lot of this is about scalability. The name is important to us. It’s about creating that scale and limitless potential for people, limitless potential for our clients, etc. We wanted to find an innovative peer-to-peer review process. One of the ways on our platform where if an expert is answering a question on behalf of a client for a customer, if we receive customer feedback, it’s similar to how you work on Uber, Airbnb, or eBay. You’re having a dialogue with an expert who is helping you solve your technical support issue, troubleshooting account-related issues, set up issues, whatever it might be. At the end of that experience, you’re rating it a five-star rating and confirming that your query has been resolved.
When that doesn’t happen in a timely fashion or should you receive a lower rating, we needed a way to be able to be quality checking all of the tickets that were running through the platform. The way that we do that is we use other qualified peers with high ratings of quality on the platform to verify the accuracy and quality of the answers that other experts are providing on the platform and creating a much more scalable model and reliable model. It answers your question. There are lots that we had to study in terms of breaking a call center down into its component parts but worker status, security of data, and quality of three other key engines that we had to get right. I’m pleased to say we’ve built an amazing platform that delivers on those three points and many more.
Roger, you’ve had some great success for the short amount of time that you’ve been in business. You’ve got some big-name clients that you work with. You’ve got some support in other ways. Do you want to share some of that with us about how you feel that you were able to garner that level of adoption so quickly?
There’s an appetite in the market for transformation and innovation. You’ve got to look at markets where there are different market forces at play. I like to think of them as push and pull factors. One of them, which I particularly like, is that consumers are becoming quite demanding and moving to digital channels. Their behavior is changing and creating what I call a pull factor. In other words, if you want to do business with me as a consumer, I’m now wanting to use other channels, in particular, social channels and digital messaging channels. That creates a need though in the enterprise to support that consumer shift. Not only is it a shift in volume it’s a shift in the nature of how that volume is arriving, the predictability of how that volume is coming to the organization. Making what was already an insurmountable problem of predicting the number of fixed resources that you needed to support the volume of support tickets that will be coming into the organization.
In a world where you’ve got 24/7 social and digital messaging and asynchronous messaging, what that means is that messages are broken apart and they’re coming in at different points throughout a conversation. You need a different workforce. The gig economy enters a more flexible on-demand need. You need to create that capacity and that capability. That has helped us create the story. At the C-Suite level, there’s an understanding that there’s a need to move away from fixed resourcing models to much more fluid resourcing models.
There’s a desire there. If you go across the C-Suite, you could look at the CFO who wants to mirror the costs much more aligned to their demands. You want the COO who desperately needs to deliver on these challenging service levels and KPIs. Customer success is raising it in terms of a level of importance. You could go across the C-Suite. Marketing needs to have more engagement with consumers, more insight with consumers.
For years, it’s been quite fashionable to talk about putting the consumer at the heart of your business. I like to think that the gig model does exactly that. One of our clients, eBay, has experienced sellers on the platform helping other sellers to be more successful. They are saying, I think, to the world, “We believe in our community of sellers so much and our brand and our product that we’re willing to let them represent us in helping others to be more successful.” Once a brand gets to that level, it’s reached a different stratosphere in terms of where it can take its support through transparency and trust that is seriously lacking in other brands.
It’s no surprise, in some respects, that we’ve seen this adoption. I’m proud that we’ve been able to achieve that with the brands that we’re working with, global brands like Unilever, L’Oreal, Microsoft, and many others as you know. We’ve created a category in ourselves and calling it GigCX. It didn’t exist a few years ago. By creating this platform, there’s a whole new category taking off. I’m pleased to say that there are some other companies that are also coming into the market with similar offerings, which is great. It’s no better for a founder to realize that you’re going to have competition because it strives you to achieve more, but it also tells you there is a market. There’s a need. We’re stepping into that need. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved. There’s a lot more to come.
Finally, the analysts have also begun to recognize this. Gartner is predicting that in the future, as much as 35% of consumer support will be provided from a gig worker, a GigCX category and that’s amazing. When we founded the business, our goal was that we wanted to empower anyone on the planet to be able to earn money for supporting the brands they love. Our ultimate vision is to create that opportunity. I’m pleased to say that we’re doing that.
Systematically, I can see us transforming an industry, which was always our goal. It’s wonderful to start businesses and think of entrepreneurs focused in some way on creating value, but there’s so much more. For us, we want to change an industry for the better. It’s one that we were really passionate about, but we could not break the shackles of poor, inconsistent customer service because the model simply doesn’t suit the task. You’ve got the wrong tool for the job.
Roger, I love the explanation you’ve given here. One of the things that stands out to me is that you’re going to the stratosphere. You’re changing the value model. Very specifically in the customer service world, we’re all familiar with it. It’s like, “I’ve got a problem. I’m going to call and get it fixed.” If I was helping someone with a brand I love, the product or the service, maybe they call me with a problem, but then I sit there. I can imagine that I would start to talk about how they can use this product in many new and different ways than they ever imagined. That moves us from customer service, which is the old way of doing business, to customer success because we want to create value for other people. That shift is fundamental. I’d love to hear your thoughts around what’s happening and why it’s happening.
A founder should have competition because it pushes them to achieve more.CLICK TO TWEET
I’m quite passionate about the theory of customer success because it’s been around for a while in terms of conceptual. It’s growing as a requirement. Largely because also with some of the more transactional types of inquiries going to automation or even self-service, you can go on and do much of the manual tasks online. Amazingly, there is not a reduction though in the overall demand for humans with the skills to support customers. How does that work? If we’re moving automation, how can overall demand still be increasing? There are different factors, a couple of them in principle. Complexity is increasing and that’s not necessarily system complexity. The complexity of the tasks that are not being automated takes a bit longer. Also, the shift to the digital.
Remember that pull-push factor, consumers want to use those channels. When you provide great service in those channels, which I would encourage you to do, you will create some extra demands. It’s not infinite demand, but you will see potentially an uplifting in demand. That will absorb some of that capacity potentially, but it’s not unnecessary or low-value demands. Remember, the demand coming through to people is the stuff that isn’t being automated. What do I mean by that? It’s the opportunity of customer success. There are some other opportunities for customer success.
What is the definition of customer success? For me, it’s making sure that the customers get the true value of the products and services that they bought from you whether they subscribe or they purchase those products. How can they unlock that true value? In terms of bringing the GigCX model to unlocking that value potential, that’s a good example of the eBay model that I mentioned. How do you unlock the value of that platform by engaging people with the expertise that are already seeing the value, they’ve already unlocked the value, they found the special sauce, the recipe? How do you help the others in that community customer cohort subscriber unlock that value too? It would apply to Disney Plus and Netflix. It would apply to Uber. It would apply to lots of different companies. It’s the same concept of using people that already unlocked the value of your product services to help others.
It sounds like that could cost us a lot of money. Why would we want to do that? It’s a lot cheaper to retain the customers as we all know. You can find lots of data in terms of supporting evidence that customer churn retention is a place to absolutely focus on. If we can improve the value that people realize from our products and services, we’re going to see less churn. If we see less churn, we’ve got a more stable base of revenue and we can expand our revenue further as well. Customer success also gives you the right to then build on that as well and then sell additional services and expand your services to the customer. The future of support is in the world of complexity where it can’t be self-serve, but it is in the world of value. In particular, reducing churn through creating more value but also upsell cross-sell opportunities.
Roger, earlier you mentioned being a category creator and with that come huge rewards but also some inherent challenges, one of which is educating the market. If it’s something that new that they may not be familiar with, how do you go about educating the world about this new category? How does that impact how you go to market in terms of reaching out to customers and making sure that you spend the time that they need to fully understand the impact of what you’re doing?
It is hard work and it is challenging to be able to do this. Companies that can succeed, I’m sure there are many examples of different companies that have had potential and it’s not materialized. We’ve still got a long way to go. We have the recognition of the analysts and the growth of competitors in the space there is a building momentum in this new category. How do we do that? Breaking it down into different elements. In terms of our outreach, thank you for inviting me to this show. This would be a great example of sharing and talking to people a bit about GigCX and that is important. We also are talking to analysts. We have lots of other various activities. There’s a lot of noise that you need to create. You need to create the right positive noise and get that momentum. You always need to have that dialed up. There’s this constant noise there about GigCX. The thought leadership and outreach go without saying.
In terms of our clients, the sales process is interesting. When you’re in a new category and in a B2B enterprise and you go and you’re selling to the company, you’re not talking normally to procurement. We’re not talking to procurement. There’s no box for procurement to put you in. There’s no RFP process for this new category. It’s a common problem. Many companies have faced this. How you face this as a growing company and creating a new category is important. I love this in terms of having dealt with sourcing departments over many years and maybe that’s a show for another day. There’s a lot of opportunity for maybe a revolution within sourcing in terms of looking at value as opposed to pure cost. That’s a discussion for another day.
Fortunately, we’re selling to the C-Suite, EVP and SVP levels within our enterprise client target base. We are talking to them about the things I mentioned on the benefits of the solution, the agility, the flexibility of the model to fix some of the challenges they have within their resourcing. We’ve got the story. One of the things you have to do is be prepared to educate and go through a discovery process. If I give you the analogy, you can’t land and meet one person even a budget holder. Even if you find your perfect buyer within an enterprise, it’s difficult to do as we know. You’ve arrived and you’re at the right place with the right person. If you’ve got a new category, that one individual in an enterprise is unlikely to be able to take you from here all the way through to an executed contract and deliver it. They have a team and they also have peers. You have to go through an educational process and discovery.
For us, what’s important is we understand and we don’t rush that process. It’s the classic invest time, the right time, go through those stages. Our special sauce is our recipe for how we do that. We go through these stages. At the right juncture, we’ve taken enough of the stakeholders and peers within a decision-making cohort to then go faster through the final stages. What we found early on was we had the senior sponsorship and we moved quite quickly to a proposal stage. When we went to the implementation stage, because we hadn’t taken everybody else on the journey, we had to do the discovery and the education all over again. What’s worse, even the first few times we did this, we had to do the same phone call fifteen, twenty times. There is lots of learning as you can imagine. It’s tough, but that would be a big load of advice I would give to anyone in a similar place.
Fifteen to twenty phone calls, that’s a lot from a sales process.
Saying the same thing that many times, you wish you recorded yourself and played it through, which is one way of doing it. You need that personal touch. Workshops and different things, there are different ways through this.
There’s a lot of talk about the customer experience of the future. I don’t want to go down to what we normally read in Inc. or Forbes or any of the others. I want to talk about your take on customer experience in the future and then segue from that into the future of work. You’re clearly in both of those spaces in creating that future. I know you see what’s happening and that’s why you’re able to create what you’re creating. Give us some insights there. Where do you see CX going? Where do you see the future of work going? Maybe bring them back together with this GigCX idea.
Megan and I see that in the future, there’s an ecosystem of support. Automation, self-service, and robotics, there will be a place for this. It will also be a place where some of that automation or robotics is enabling humans to work even more smarter, efficiently and helpfully in how they’re providing support to consumers. The consumers’ demand, I don’t see it going away fast because of the reasons we’ve discussed, growing digital volumes, changing volume, changing behavior and the need to fulfill ever-increasing complexity in products.
Most products and services these days have a technology component. Technology components are great, but they often need setting up. They need to connect to other devices. They can suffer different issues. Products are changing. The nature of support and the nature of contacts are changing too. In this ecosystem, there will be further advances. But customers will still need guidance. Customers would still need reassurance. Customers would still be looking for advice and guidance. How do you do something? I am struggling to follow this online. The robotic process is not working. You reach out and you cry for help. Guidance, reassurance. You will not overnight change a human instinct. Regardless of being told by a letter, a machine, or a text message, people will still reach out for some kind of affirmation confirmation that some action is going to happen. There will still be this need for reassurance in some way or another.
Finally, advice, it is not the same as guidance taking you through a process. Advice is, is this better for me or is this better for me? There will be other things too. In that area, you’ll still need people. The companies that can provide that resource, on-demand, at the moment, in the moment, where it matters is key. Where support is provided, linked to customer success is going to change. For me, why do you have to go to the contact us area, help pages to find support? It should be in the product. Why isn’t it in the product? It’s not in the product because customer service and the product teams and the marketing teams are not normally connected in organizations. That’s one part.
The other part is because the customer service team is seen as a cost center. It’s not seen as a value add center. That’s being said many years, but it’s never being solved. However, if you can provide and link that customer success idea, it’s helping people get more value and putting that support in the product where it matters. Let me give eBay as our example here. If you’re a new seller and you’re listing your product, you don’t need to go off to another page to help find some article, do a live chat over here. What you need is someone right there that you could say, “How do I do that to maximize my chance of selling? How do I do this because I haven’t done it before?” If you can get contextual relevant advice, trusted advice, empathetic advice because they’ve also struggled with the same issues, you’re moving to the next level of support.
It’s an ecosystem in the future in CX. It’s going to combine everything. It won’t all be about robots and automation, that will play a part, but there will be this value-add component. Demand is are not going to go away in the future. In the future of work, I can only talk about, from running a business, my perspective as a CEO. Megan and I as cofounders, our perspective of the future of work for our company, I could give that. I could also talk about what I see in terms of demographic shifts and change. In the future, by 2025, the stats are out there, 75% of the workforce is going to be Millennials and Gen Z’s. It’s pretty scary, not because of who they are, they’re wonderful people, but how old I’m getting.
Passion comes when an entrepreneur is focused on innovating an industry for the better, not just on values.CLICK TO TWEET
The way that they consume things, the way that they’re going to work, the way they’re going to act, there are going to be generational differences but quite a paradigm shift, quite a generational shift. It could be quite a step-change staff because why would it necessarily be as slow as it’s been between the ‘70s to ‘90s? It could be a much faster evolution of how people want to work. That’s only going to be accelerated by the C-word, the COVID word. That is also speeding things up. You don’t need me to tell you it’s going to change. We’re not going backward. We’re going forward.
Macroeconomics as well plays a part here. You’ve got to think about poor wage inflation. You’ve got to think about the various unemployment that’s going to, unfortunately, be global. People are going to be looking for other ways to find work and income. For context, the story for Limitless is that we’re about providing people the opportunity to define incremental work to top up either other revenue money that they’ve got coming in other incomes or to have a purpose. We’re looking for people that maybe do 4 or 5 hours a week and do an amazing job for that because we know that works well in customer service. From our time in call centers, agents can get burnt out quite quickly if they’re doing repetitive tasks. Little and often really good is the Limitless way and that’s how we provide such great service because that’s the model we’re following.
In that future of work, people will be looking for that incremental way to earn money. In the next 5 years or so, I don’t mean to be a bit gloomy about this, but the world is going to have to catch up with the effects of COVID from an economic perspective. It’s inevitable and lots of different forces are moving us on this journey. That sounds pretty scary. Let’s think about the good side of gig. The good side of gig is it can be an opportunity for people that need work who can’t commit to the shifts and schedules like other people to find that opportunity. It’s for people and companies. Diversity and inclusion are important. It’s rightly topical. There’s no unconscious bias in the gig model here for Limitless. It’s an online onboarding process. That is important.
Differently-abled people maybe can’t access enough fantastic opportunities. As long as we protect the experts and the workers, as long as we protect them with fair pay and rewards, we have a balance of freedom and genuine freedom. Freedom being you can work as much or as little as you want and you have a choice over the work that you do or you don’t do. That’s an important word, choice. In our model, if you come on, you don’t have to take the next job. You can imagine other forms of gig economy. You could come on and look at 50 different questions from customers and pick a question that you know how to answer well or none at all. If you do or you don’t, there’s no penalization in the algorithms over that in terms of what your choice has been. It sounds simple and subtle. I’m right in the weeds of the detail, but gig can be a good force and I see it as being much the future of work.
To close out, that sounds so fulfilling. I’ve walked through hundreds of call centers and watched agents pick up the phone one after the other and respond to emails. To be able to make the choice of what to answer next, I can only imagine that’s going to shift the mindset of these people. They’re going to say, “I’m going to do what I love to do.” This is also another episode. Betsy and I have talked with clients about this idea of the admiration that top companies, five-star companies deliver. What I’m hearing as we talk is we’re moving from a state of empathy to where your customer service, your customer success team will be admired because of how good they are. The value they bring to the table up levels that company and that brand so much more.
I was going to add too, Roger, that it is clear that within your business model at the heart is how much you care for people. You’ve built in so much into your model that directly has a positive impact on the people. I love that. I already admire that, Tony. The whole admiration comes shining through. With that, I’m going to switch gears a little bit. On our show, we enjoy giving our guests an opportunity to shine a spotlight on a non-profit or a charitable organization that you either support or have a real affinity for. I want to ask you if there’s an organization or two that you and your company lock arms with to make the world a better place.
There is one particular organization where we like, whenever we can, to raise money for. Other firms have followed suit, we don’t send out Christmas cards or little boxes to anybody anymore. What we do is we send an email saying, “Sorry, there’s no Christmas card for you this year. We’ve given that money to a charity and there are other events that we do.” It’s for a charity called It’s a crowdfunding platform that supports homeless people through training and into stable paid work. It gives homeless people a sense of career, pride, and true independence, which is important. It’s something that we’ve given a lot of thought to. In the crowdfunding place, it’s a place close to our hearts of using good gig. I encourage everyone to go to and have a look. It’s a worthy charity. As we expand globally, we will look at other good causes as we grow as a business.
I know you don’t do it because of your brand, but it shows how deeply your organization cares about people. Tony, do you have any final questions or comments for Roger?
One thing that stands out and would love a few moments of reflection on this is we’ve got so much changing in the world. You mentioned the C-word, you mentioned COVID. Do you perceive that we’re going to get back to normal or are we already in what you perceive to be the beginning of the new normal?
I’ve got an opinion in a much more narrow space of perhaps the CX industry where I feel I can comment more appropriately. Our families and our households, when we watch the TV news for the latest information, we’re all thinking about when can we get back to some semblance of normality or whatever that is. Let me reflect on two things quickly. From a CEO perspective, it’s a mind shift. I’m happy to say I’ve seen, in myself, the need to rise to the top of the agenda to find the ability to enable my team to work more remotely more often. That’s going to be in the mindset of many businesses and executives. When we return to a world where maybe vaccinations have got to a point where we can all return to normal life in terms of social interaction, we will see our workforce at Limitless in a combination of working in the office and remotely working from home.
That’s going to happen. That wouldn’t have happened. That shift is accelerated because of COVID. It won’t be about salary, benefits, and culture. It will be, “Can I work from where I want to work?” There’s an announcement with Spotify, and there will be many following soon, you can work for us anywhere in the world, etc. That’s an inevitable thing. That’s going to happen. I don’t think we’re in that new normal state. In the CX industry, what’s going on in our space is the major enterprises quickly dealt with firefighting the problem. What I’m saying coming straight out the gate is we need to change our operating models. They’re coming out to us. They’re talking to us about GigCX. Remote working, more resilience within their model is now a given. The way it’s been explained to me by some other senior execs is this: Before we were interested and now it’s a strategy. That says it all.
Customers get the value of the products by engaging people with the expertise that are already seeing the value they’ve already unlocked.CLICK TO TWEET
What a great way to close out this conversation. Roger, thank you so much for your time. We are going to be watching. This is an exciting category that you have created. We’re excited to be connected with you. We look forward to watching your success unfold.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Betsy, this was such an amazing interview. I loved hearing Roger’s take on the future of work, the future of customer experience, how they’re making the future a reality with this GigCX platform that they’ve built. The one thing that stands out to me is how they understand the changing environment that we’re going through right now. They were doing this before COVID. They foresaw this. If anything, it’s going to accelerate the pace that their company grows and the category as a whole grows. There’s this fear that people are going to lose their jobs because AI is going to take over everything. We didn’t say AI but automation. Automation is not going to take over everything because the more complex the product gets, the more we need humans to be involved in the process. It’s refreshing to see that we’re not going to be all out of jobs in the future, but we’re going to be doing higher level work. We’re going to do things we’re more passionate about potentially if the GigCX economy can grow.
The human element of their story is prevalent on many different levels. Roger is such an example of how a CEO should be thinking about people, the world, being innovative. Many qualities that CEOs need to have to lead into this next future post-COVID, he nails it. It is refreshing to see.
One of the things that stands out to me is a lot of companies look at what do our customers need to innovate and create the next disruptive technology or company? What’s funny is they looked and said, “What do our employees need?” They created another company that looks at it and solves that problem, with the needs of the employees are in a customer service environment. I find that to be fascinating because they’re not creating a technology to support existing customer service platforms that you might expect. They’ve created a whole new model of doing work and I love that.
To our readers, we hope you enjoyed this episode. We hope you will join us again. Until then, we hope you have a great day. We’ll see you soon.